
Elegance Chrysanthemum Bouquet


or 3 X LKR2,500.00 with Koko

This bouquet is a delightful arrangement featuring chrysanthemums in soft hues of white, light pink, and purple. The flowers are carefully selected for their lush, full blooms and delicate petals. The white chrysanthemums symbolize loyalty and honesty, while the pink and purple ones add a touch of elegance and grace. It’s perfect for occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone’s day with a gesture of love and thoughtfulness.



  • Fresh flower bouquet delivery is available only within Colombo area.
  • A minimum 48 hours’ notice is required for all orders.
  • We ensure the freshest blooms and timely delivery for your special moments
Buying for a loved one?
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Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 5 × 8 × 9 cm

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